Peterborough Virtual School hosted our first conference in September 2024 to a mixed audience of delegates including head teachers and designated teachers, social care colleagues and carers.
Delegates were welcomed by the Executive Director of Children's Services, John Gregg before listening to a presentation delivered by the Virtual School. Delegates then selected to attend 2 workshops from a selection which included:
- Level Up - Effective Use of the Pupil Premium Plus Grant
- Curriculum Hotspots
- An Introduction to Developmental Trauma using Virtual Reality
- Every Minute Counts: Attendance Matters
- Post-16 Options
- Reach for the Stars: Careers Advice and Guidance
After a networking lunch, Kriss Akabusi delivered a powerful keynote speech which was both inspiring and passionate.

Overview of Virtual School Presentation2.22MB–pdf
Size: 2.22MBFile format: pdf
Every minute Counts - Attendance presentation1.61MB–pdf
Size: 1.61MBFile format: pdf
Curriculum Hotspots Workshop1.86MB–pdf
Size: 1.86MBFile format: pdf
Careers Workshop1.49MB–pdf
Size: 1.49MBFile format: pdf
Pupil Premium Plus Workshop - Level Up1.11MB–pdf
Size: 1.11MBFile format: pdf
Post 16 Pathways Workshop2.79MB–pdf
Size: 2.79MBFile format: pdf