Peterborough Virtual School training is delivered at no charge to the following:
- All Early Years Settings, Maintained Schools, Academies and Post-16 Providers within Peterborough
- All independent schools and alternative provision providers currently offering education to Peterborough children known to social care
- All out of city schools, settings and providers currently offering education to Peterborough Children in Care and Care Leavers
- Colleagues from within PCC including Social Care and the Education Directorate
- Foster carers and other care givers supporting children known to social care
Training for Education Providers
The Roles and Responsibilities of The Designated Teacher for Children in Care
This half-day course is an opportunity for Designated Teachers to examine the role; to become familiar with the legal framework and statutory guidance and to better understand Peterborough processes and procedures. Best practice will be explored and practical advice on topics such as preparing the Personal Education Plan, writing SMART outcomes and the effective use of the Pupil Premium Plus grant will be shared.
NEXT SESSION: Thursday 19th June 2025
- Alia Future Business Centre, Peterborough United Football Club, Peterborough PE2 8AN
- 1:00pm-4:00pm
Promoting the Education of Children known to Social Care
This half-day course is an opportunity for leaders in schools and other education providers to explore and make visible the specific barriers and vulnerabilities of the group and champion their educational attendance, attainment and progress. This includes:
- Children Previously in Care (Including adoption, special guardianship, and child arrangement orders)
- Children who have been assessed as needing a Child in Need or Child Protection plan within the past 6 years due to safeguarding or welfare reasons
- Children living with kinship carers
NEXT SESSION: Wednesday 26th February 2025
- Alia Future Business Centre, Peterborough United Football Club, Peterborough PE2 8AN
- 1:00pm-4:00pm
Designated Teacher Network Sessions
The aim of these sessions is to share good practices and updates regarding the education of children in care and to also enable DTs from different schools to establish links and to share experiences that will benefit each other's work with children in care and children previously looked after. The morning and afternoon sessions are repeats and therefore delegates only need to attend one or the other
NEXT SESSION: Tuesday 5th March 2025
- Online Training
- 10:00am-10:45am OR 3:45pm-4:30pm
- OR
Further training for the full academic year can be found in the document below.