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Relational Practice

Research evidence highlights the crucial influence of attuned relationships for children’s healthy growth and development. At Peterborough Virtual School, we have a vision that all settings will be relationally driven in their ethos, culture, practice, and policy. This will impact not only vulnerable children but all children and the adults supporting them; so that well-being is considered for everyone. In this endeavour, we are offering training opportunities at no charge to build and strengthen relational practice in education settings.

We offer a graduated package to support schools and other stakeholders wherever they may be on their relational practice journey. Further information can be found here Peterborough Virtual School - Relational Practice Offer. Typically, schools and settings progress through the stages of our relational practice offer within specific cohorts –although where this is not possible, we of course encourage flexibility. It is expected that two delegates from each school attend relational practice training, at least one of these should be a senior leader.

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Stage 1: Awareness – The Power of Connection: An Introduction to Relational Practice

  • To recognise the importance of attuned relationships for children’s development and life outcomes.
  • To know how relational trauma impacts on children’s development.
  • To reflect on 3 key ways to enhance relationships with children in your setting.

This is the first stage of the relational practice offer. Delegates will attend a 3-hour in person training session following which there is an expectation that this learning is cascaded to their setting; resources including a video are provided to support this. A 2-hour workshop is offered for delegates to share how the training has been embedded in their setting and the impact on staff.

Stage 2: Acceptance – Emotion Coaching: Co-regulation through Connection

  • To understand how biology and interactions influence behaviour.
  • To understand what Emotion Coaching is and begin to use this.
  • To prepare for facilitating a whole setting Emotion Coaching approach.

This is the second stage of the relational practice offer and it is expected that delegates will have completed Stage 1 prior to starting this. Delegates will attend a full day in person training session following which there is an expectation that this learning is cascaded to their setting; resources including a video are provided to support this. 

To book on please follow the links in our training offer below:

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