Exclusion from school should be a last resort for Children in Care, who are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of exclusion. Therefore, it is important to work with the school and carers to intervene as soon as there is a cause for concern. Schools should co-operate proactively with carers, the local authority that looks after the child and the virtual school.
Where a school has concerns about the behaviour, or risk of exclusion, of a child in care, it should, in partnership with others (including the local authority as necessary), consider what additional support or alternative placement may be required.
If a child is excluded (suspension or permanent exclusion), schools are required to comply with DfE guidance. Where a Child in Care is excluded from school, the child’s social worker must inform the Independent Reviewing Officer with responsibility for that child.
Schools should not ask a carer to collect their child from school during the school day for any reason other than them being unwell. The exception to this is a formal exclusion which requires written notification. Also, schools should not ask carers to keep their child at home unless they are unwell or excluded. On some very rare occasions a part-time offer of education might be appropriate and can be agreed as a part of a managed transition to full time provision. This should always be time limited and all parties must be in agreement with it. An exclusion from school has to be carried out formally and in accordance with the Department of Education guidance.
If a CiC has received a fixed term exclusion the relevant Virtual School Lead will make contact to discuss the strategies that the school will be using to avoid this from occurring again.
If you have any concerns about an informal exclusion, you can email the
More guidance on exclusions can be found here.
Schools should inform the social worker of any suspension or exclusion and inform the Virtual School as well, if the child is in care.