Digital access is essential for effective learning. For children in care, who are already navigating the complexities of being in care, the absence of adequate digital devices such as laptops can significantly hinder their educational progress.
To mitigate these barriers, the Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) grant can be used to fund digital access for children in care of Statutory School Age. At the discretion of the Virtual School Head, this may be extended to those in Year 12 and above, including Care Leavers in Higher Education.
Devices may be requested by Social Workers and Personal Advisers here Digital Access Request Form
Digital Access Policy
Acceptable Use Agreement
Devices provided by Peterborough Virtual School will be subject to a one-year warranty which will cover technical issues with the device. In the first instance concerns should be raised to This does not cover damage or loss through negligence, accident, theft, or malicious action. In these cases, the Virtual School should be contacted and will consider such situations on a case-by-case basis and have the discretion to fund or part fund replacement or repair.