It is the responsibility of the person(s) who hold PR to make an application for a school place. For this reason social workers are likely to only be involved in the admissions process for children in care. If you are aware of a child in care without a school place please contact the Virtual School immediately.
Children in Care
For children and young people in care, we have a responsibility to keep things as stable as possible for them. Maintaining continuity by keeping the child in the same school should be a priority and we should make every effort to keep them in their existing school to ensure continuity of learning, friendships, and pastoral support from their school.
Of course this may not always be possible:
- It may not be safe for the child to remain at their existing school
- The distance from their existing school may be too far
- The child may be at a point in their educational journey where a transition is necessary (for example from primary to secondary)
Where a school move is necessary, the social worker should work in partnership with the Virtual School to identify appropriate educational provision. It should be the social worker who completes school application forms; this shouldn't be done by carers.
It's especially important that everything should be done to avoid moving a young person who's approaching the end of Key Stage 2, in Years 5 and 6. At this stage, pupils are preparing for their end of Key Stage assessments and beginning to plan for transition to secondary school.
It's also very important to avoid moving young people who are in Key Stage 4, in Years 10 and 11. By this stage, young people have begun their exam courses. Different secondary schools often use different examination boards, which can lead to significant complications if a child has to move schools once they've started their exam courses.
Ideally, all school moves should be undertaken at the beginning of a new academic year to reduce the negative impact on the child.
Unless there are compelling reasons otherwise, school moves should be avoided until the child is living in a permanent home.
More information can be found on the Peterborough City Council website Apply for a school place | Peterborough City Council