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The Role of the Designated Teacher

The Role of the Designated Teacher

Each school is required to have a nominated Designated Teacher. This is a statutory requirement whether or not a school has a Looked After Child currently on their roll. This is to ensure that whenever one of the pupils becomes looked after or a new child in care is admitted to the school there is a teacher who is already trained to carry out this important role.

Details of the role of the Designated Teacher are set out in Promoting the Education of Looked After Children (February 2018) and the Role and Responsibilities of the Designated Teacher for looked after children (2018). The member of staff who is appointed as the Designated Teacher must be:

• A qualified teacher
• A headteacher or,
• Acting headteacher

The Designated Teacher is responsible for championing the educational needs of looked after children and care experienced children in their school and, in the case of looked after children, ensuring they have good quality PEPs. They should be the main author of the PEP within the school.

The Designated Teacher should:

• Promote a culture of high expectations and aspirations for how looked after children learn
• Make sure the young person has a voice in setting learning targets
• Be a source of advice for staff about differentiated teaching strategies appropriate for individual children and in making full use of Assessment for Learning
• Make sure that looked after children are prioritised in one-to-one tuition arrangements and that carers understand the importance of supporting learning at home
• Have lead responsibility for the development and implementation of the child’s Personal Education Plan (PEP) within the school.

The Governing Body is required to:

• Ensure that the designated teacher undertakes appropriate training (section 20(2) of the 2008 Act).
• As a minimum governors must consider an Annual Report from the Designated Teacher.
• The governing body and school leadership team should consider the report and act on any issues it raises so as to support the Designated Teacher and maximise the impact of the role.

(Guidance taken from DCSF Role and Responsibilities of the Designated Teacher, February 2018)

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Peterborough Virtual School offers a breadth of training and support for new and experienced Designated Teachers. This includes:

  • New to role induction training
  • Network meetings
  • PEP and PP+ support and guidance
  • Advisory support

Please contact you link education advisor for more information.

The Designated Person for Children Previously in Care

Governing bodies of maintained schools and academies must also designate a member of staff as having responsibility to promote the educational Children Previously in Care (CPiC). This may be the same member of staff who is the Designated Teacher for Children in Care or could be somebody different. Ideally this member of staff will be a member of the senior leadership team, with appropriate seniority and professional experience to provide leadership.

The Designated Person for Children Previously in Care should:

  • Identify the Children Previously in Care/those living in kinship care cohorts in their school
  • Ensure Children Previously in Care are recorded on October census to receive Pupil Premium Plus grant
  • Be a key point of contact for the family; a strong and trusting relationship is paramount
  • Identify a key adult who can become a secure base for the child / young person
  • Co-ordinate staff development, training and awareness
  • Review and embed policies to be inclusive for Children Previously in Care
  • Be aware of sensitivities in school activities or curriculum content
  • Best Practice - lead termly meetings to ensure good communication with families.

Further information supporting this cohort of children can be found here