The Role of Governors
The DfE outline the role of the governor for care experienced children in the statutory guidance 'The designated teacher for looked after and previously looked after children’. This guidance is relevant to both maintained schools and academies and the governance systems which they operate within.
Governors should, through the designated teacher, hold the school to account on the progress made by children in care and previously in care, including how the pupil premium plus has been used to support progress. This may be completed through regular reporting to the governing body.
The statutory guidance outlines the following questions which should be considered:
- ‘Does the designated teacher have appropriate seniority and professional experience to provide leadership, training, information, challenge and advice to others that will influence decisions about the teaching and learning needs of looked-after and previously looked-after children?
- Does the designated teacher have appropriate seniority and skills to work with the school’s senior leadership and governing body to help ensure school policies and approaches appropriately reflect the needs of looked-after and previously looked-after children and act as a champion for them?
- Does the designated teacher have training opportunities, including time away from timetable commitments, to acquire and keep up-to-date the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding to respond to the specific teaching and learning needs of looked-after and previously looked-after children, including a good knowledge of SEN?
- How does the designated teacher role contribute to the deeper understanding of everyone in the school who is likely to be involved in supporting looked-after and previously looked-after children to achieve?
- What resource implications might there be in supporting the designated teacher to carry out their role?
- What expertise can designated teachers call on within and outside the school such as SENCOs, health and mental health support?
- What monitoring arrangements might be appropriate to ensure that the role of the designated teacher is providing appropriate support for looked-after and previously looked-after children on the school roll?’ (DfE, 2018, p.8)
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Virtual Schools have produced a series of short webinars to support the knowledge and understanding of governors. These are accompanied by a workbook within which links to key documents and further reading can be found, alongside space to note down information specific to the context of the school and additional reflections.
These can be viewed via the links below:
Webinar 1: Governor Webinar 1: Educational Outcomes for Children in Care (
Webinar 2: Knowledge and Understanding of Barriers Facing Children in Care (14 mins)
Webinar 3: Statutory Guidance and the Role of the Designated Teacher (14 mins)
Webinar 4: Duties and Responsibilities of the Governing Body (13 mins)
Become is the national charity for children in care and care leavers. They have produced additional guidance to support school governors and trustees. Children in Care: Guide for School Governors - Become (