Since April 2014 every local authority in England has had to appoint at least one person to fulfil the local authority’s statutory duty to promote the educational achievement of it’s Children in Care, wherever they live or are educated. This person is called the Head of the Virtual School. Peterborough has a team of teachers and other educational professionals who support the Virtual School Head in fulfilling these responsibilities, by promoting high aspirations and raising achievement through challenge, support and targeted intervention.
Promoting the education of looked-after and previously looked-after children - GOV.UK (
Our vision is that
All Children Known to Social Care will achieve educational outcomes enabling them to lead healthy, happy and fulfilled lives.

Team Structure - January 2025
Current Vacancies
Speech and Language Therapist - Term Time – 0.6 FTE Position
In partnership with Nene Valley Primary School, Peterborough Virtual School are seeking to appoint a Speech and Language Therapist who will support the promotion of educational attainment for children known to social care.
This is a fixed term (2-year) post for 3 days a week during term time. Extension of the fixed term will be dependent upon impact and confirmation of funding.
This role will be co-located between Nene Valley Primary School (0.5 days per week) and Peterborough Virtual School (2.5 days per week).
The closing date for applications is 12:00 noon on Monday 10th February.

Strategy and Implementation Documents