Who is eligible for Pupil Premium Plus?
Children of statutory school age (in Reception up to Year 11 inclusive) who were previously in the care of an English or Welsh local authority and are now subject to a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) or a Child Arrangement Order (CAO) or a child who has gone on to be adopted (from an English or Welsh local authority or from ‘State care’ outside of England) are eligible for PP+ funding.
For your child’s school to claim the funding, you need to make them aware that your child is previously looked after at the start of the school year and provide evidence of their adoption certificate, special guardianship/child arrangement order or a letter from the placing authority to give your consent for them to claim .
The school will need to record your child on their October census as being previously in care (or previously ‘looked after’) and the funding will then be paid directly to school from the DfE in April each year until the child leaves the school.
The school must use the funding to reduce barriers to learning and improve educational outcomes of the cohort of CPiC, but it is important to understand that the money is not ring-fenced for individual children. This allows schools to use it in the most effective way for their particular setting. For example, it could go towards facilitating a wide range of social, emotional and educational support, taking into account individual children’s needs. For example: learning mentors, support assistants, counselling, small group or individual intervention, extra-curricular activities, mental health support or staff training.
Schools are accountable for the spending and impact of the funding. It is good practice for school to consult with parents and carers on how they think the funding could best support their child. There should be transparency about how the funding is being used and you can ask your designated teacher about this.
If you are unhappy about the use of the PP+, you should first speak to the Designated Teacher/person. If your concern continues, you should follow the school’s complaints procedure, for example by escalating to the head teacher and to the governors.
Claiming PP+
For schools to apply for Pupil Premium Plus for Children Previously in Care, it is necessary that they have evidence of legal status and submit this on the October census. It is suggested that a letter is sent at the beginning of each academic year to identify children in this cohort.