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All purchases of resources, services and works from public money may be obtained from a number of sources. It is necessary therefore, to ensure that schools are seen to be following the correct procedures including:

  • ensuring the purchase is compliant with Financial Regulations, is fair and equitable and does not lend itself to allegations of impropriety.
  • demonstrates best value for money and purchasing need.
  • demonstrates public accountability in the expenditure incurred and the conduct of the schools affairs.
  • complies with all legal requirements and ensures that non-commercial considerations do not influence any contractual decision.

Following the rules laid down in the Authority's Financial Regulations and Standing Orders for Contracts is the best defence against allegations that any purchase does not comply with the above points and may have been made incorrectly or fraudulently. Section C, Question 13 of the SFVS return relates specifically to procurement and requires Governors to confirm that robust systems and procedures are in place.

Any questions relating to Procurement should be checked against the Scheme of Financial Management for Schools or directed to the Schools Finance Team.

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