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Peterborough resources for SEND Professionals

On this page, we have collated links to useful documents and sources of information on a range of local, regional and national SEND matters. This includes our most recent service brochure, SEND newsletters and information on request for involvement (RFI). 

Welcome to the SEN and Inclusion (SENI) Services

The SEN and Inclusion Services consists of:

• Specialist Teaching Services (including the Autism / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Advisory Teaching Service (AATS), and the Sensory and Physical Support Service (for Deaf and/or Vision impairment and Physical Disabilities),

• the Educational Psychology Service (EPS),

• the Early Years SEND Specialist and Portage Service,

• the Local Area SENI Support Service

• the Statutory Assessment and Monitoring Service (SAMS).

• the Behaviour and Inclusion Service.

Each of our services has a specific remit to help our children and young people to achieve their potential and overcome barriers their additional needs may present to them and their educational settings.

Our contact details and what each service does can be found in the Special Educational Needs Inclusion (SENI) Services guide 2023/24


SEND Newsletters for professionals

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Newsletter for SEND Professionals is a fortnightly publication packed full of news, features, training events, and resources. It is aimed at those involved with supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and their families, across the education, health and social care services, and the voluntary/charity sector.

It is produced in partnership with the Inclusion Services of Peterborough City Council, the Peterborough SENCO Network, the Specialist Hub Network and Family Voice Peterborough.

 If you would like to receive the Special Educational Needs and Inclusion (SENI) Services newsletter, please email to be added to the distribution list.

SEND Newsletters for families

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Newsletter for SEND Professionals and families is a termly publication packed full of news, features, training events, and resources. It is aimed at those involved with supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and their families, across the education, health and social care services, and the voluntary/charity sector.

It is produced in partnership with the Inclusion Services of Peterborough City Council, the Peterborough SENCO Network, the Specialist Hub Network and Family Voice Peterborough.

You can also view our newsletters under the tab labelled 'Special Educational Needs & Disabilities in Peterborough - SEND Update' on this page 

If you would like these newsletters delivered directly to your email inbox, or if you like the newsletter, or have suggestions for future articles, let us know by emailing

If you would like to receive the Special Educational Needs and Inclusion (SENI) Services newsletter, please email to be added to the distribution list. 

Education Settings can request the support of the Specialist Teaching Services including the advisory teachers for ADHD and Autism (AATS), teachers of the deaf, blind, and physical disabilities (SAPS), Local Area SENI Support (LASS) and the Portage Service (for children 0-4 years), through the Request for Involvement form (Please note that as this is a Word document it will download to your computer).

The form must be signed by the Headteacher / Lead practitioner in the setting and submitted to

The request will be reviewed by the SEN and Inclusion Services Management Team in order to ensure the most appropriate service responds in a timely manner.

If the matter is urgent, please contact SEN and Inclusion Services directly on and cc in the relevant manager.

What to do if you have concerns about the safety of a child?

1. Speak to your line or team manager

2. If you have serious concerns that the child/young person is at risk of significant harm make a referral to social care

3. If you wish to seek advice about your concerns and the action to take, contact the duty officer in social care or the Local authority Designated Officer (LADO) for Safeguarding:

Telephone: 01733 864038
Fax: 0870 2384083
4. Ensure that you seek appropriate support/supervision for yourself

5. Consult the documents listed below for further advice or visit the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Children Board.

What to do if you have concerns about the safety of a child

Model Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy for Schools

The Assessment and Education, Health and Care plans page on the Local Offer hosts a collection of resources, including related pages, useful documents and links to external websites.

On this page are some useful resources.

In collaboration with young people, family voice and our colleges we have produced a travel training manual which is linked for your reference.  

Please consider including travel training as an outcome in an EHCP and a programme as a provision. It is the key to most young peoples independence. 

If you have any questions about this please contact Elizabeth Sullivan Ash (SEN Lead Post 16/Preparation for Adulthood) on

As part of the Written Statement of Action (WSoA) following the CQC and Ofsted inspection of SEND in Peterborough in 2019, a Quality Assurance (QA) framework for SEND was adopted by the Peterborough SEND partnership. The QA framework is a key element in driving improvement in outcomes for children and young adults with SEND in Peterborough.

The QA framework includes processes for auditing EHCPs at a variety of stages, including the provision of advice and information by all partners, draft EHCPs following planning meetings and auditing of annual reviews.

In addition, the process of multi-agency EHCP auditing, which was established in 2018 is continuing, with selections of anonymised recently issued EHCPs audited on a regular basis by a panel, including representatives from Family Voice, schools and Peterborough Regional College.

Findings from these multi-agency audits and the other audit work across the wider SEND partnership will be regularly reported back to the SEND Executive Board. Audit findings will focus on broad themes that have been identified through the auditing process and these will inform future improvement planning, including training of relevant staff and improvements in SEND and EHCP processes.

You can download the audit forms below.  Please note as these are Word documents they will download to your computer when you click on them.

Quality Assurance Framework

EHCP Audit Toolkit and Guidance

Multi Agency Education, Health and Care Plan Audit Tool

Multi Agency Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment Information and Advice Audit Tool

Annual Review - Information Audit form

If you have any queries about the SEND quality assurance process, please email

This document is guidance drawn from the expectations outlined in government legislation of how the local area (including educational settings and different agencies) should provide support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. It includes a description of roles and responsibilities, arrangements for funding and the graduated approach to the identification and assessment of special educational needs.

Decoding the School Census: SEN Provision and Type

The Purpose of the Decoding the School Census: SEN Provision and Type system is to provide locally agreed guidance of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Provision and Type within the School Census. Download the pdf document Decoding the School Census: SEN Provision and Type for more information

  • Government Communications - All current government guidance can be found on
  •  The Eastern Region SEND Network aims to bring key partners and stakeholders together across the region to share information, develop strategic approaches and implement operational practices for the benefit of children and young people and their families with SEND.