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Peterborough SEND Training

With so much great SEND training going on in Peterborough, we have collated all of the information into one place for you to keep updated with the latest opportunities. We welcome SENCOs, Headteachers, teaching staff as well as wider professionals to attend. 

On this page you can find: 

  • The Peterborough SEN & Inclusion (SENI) Services training and events.
  • The Peterborough SEND Hub training.
  • Statutory Multi-Agency training on Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP).
  • Wider training and resources.

If you would like to be kept informed about Peterborough SEND training, please share your contact details with



Peterborough Multi-Agency Statutory Training Programme 

The overall aim is for delivery partners to 'understand their responsibilities concerning EHCPs (particularly annual reviews) and annual review processes and timelines to conform to statutory expectations'. The focus of these will be to provide very clear and transparent direction on Statutory guidelines and processes which we must all be adhering to, including information on EHC Needs Assessments, consultations, Annual Reviews and all associated paperwork. You can find the booking form and all dates if you click on the above link which takes you to the calendar overview.


PCC Multi-Agency Statutory programme Summer term (Page 1).
PCC Statutory Multi-Agency Training - Autumn 22
PCC Statutory Multi Agency Training Programme Lv1&2 2021-22 V6

Local Offer Parent Carer Participation page - on this page you can find training programmes and forums for parent / carers. This is available if you click on the above link and go to the tab labelled 'Family Voice'. SENCOs and wider professionals can direct parent/carers/yp to this page.

Eastern Regional SEND Network - on this page you can find information packs and resources within the tabs. The Delivering Better Outcomes Together consortium is a partnership between Mott MacDonald, the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) and the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi), with Mott MacDonald as the lead contractor. The consortium will provide a range of services to support Local Authorities and their partners with implementation of the SEND Reforms

Whole School SEND - on this page you can find events forums and resources. Whole School SEND is a consortium of charities, schools and organisations. We are committed to helping children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or learning differences reach their full potential. Hosted by Nasen, they deliver the Department for Education SEND Schools’ Workforce Support Contract and a randomised control trial funded by the Education Endowment Foundation

DFE Updates - sign up to get the latest updates from Department For Education (DFE). 

Council for Disabled Children - on this page you can find lots of training on a whole range of different modules.