Healthy, happy holidays in Peterborough is part of the government's Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme. It has been delivered across Peterborough since Easter 2021 and is fully funded by the Department for Education. The programme is aimed at providing healthy food and enriching activities for primary and secondary school-aged children who are eligible for benefit related free school meals.
Benefits-related free school meals (FSM) are available to pupils if their parents are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits, and have a claim verified by their school or local authority.
Funding for this programme is available for the Easter, summer and Christmas holidays only.
If you are a parent and have a query about accessing HAF you can email us at haf@peterborough.gov.uk or see our list of HAF providers and their details here.
Please click on the link to view maps to find your nearest HAF Club
If you are part of an organisation that is interested in becoming a HAF delivery partner please complete the form and return to haf@peterborough.gov.uk
HAF Resources and Links
Please find below useful links to support meeting the HAF standards. We have provided a short summary of each and who they might be useful for. Please don’t copy and paste the list in it’s entirety and share with parents as this may confuse or overwhelm them. It’s more effective to think about effective ways to get information across in a steady and planned approach.