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Holiday Activities and Food programme

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Healthy, happy holidays in Peterborough is part of the government's Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme. It has been delivered across Peterborough since Easter 2021 and is fully funded by the Department for Education. The programme is aimed at providing healthy food and enriching activities for primary and secondary school-aged children who are eligible for benefit related free school meals.

Benefits-related free school meals (FSM) are available to pupils if their parents are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits, and have a claim verified by their school or local authority.

Funding for this programme is available for the Easter, summer and Christmas holidays only.

If you are a parent and have a query about accessing HAF you can email us at or see our list of HAF providers and their details here.

Please click on the link to view maps to find your nearest HAF Club

If you are part of an organisation that is interested in becoming a HAF delivery partner please complete the form and return to

HAF Resources and Links

Please find below useful links to support meeting the HAF standards. We have provided a short summary of each and who they might be useful for. Please don’t copy and paste the list in it’s entirety and share with parents as this may confuse or overwhelm them. It’s more effective to think about effective ways to get information across in a steady and planned approach.

Here you can find simple ideas for your HAF programme and ways to bring literacy into the day in fun ways too:

Website Summary Useful for
Professional - reporting a concern Procedure how professionals report a safeguarding concern   HAF Providers 
Reporting a concern about a professional Allegations against professionals and volunteers who work with children- process to follow  HAF Providers 
Safeguarding children board Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Children Partnerships Board  HAF Providers 
Safeguarding resources Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Children Partnerships Board: Parent resources, includes information on what is abuse, child sexual exploitation, online safety, domestic violence, safer sleeping, FGM and private fostering  HAF Providers & Parents
Safeguarding briefings

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Children Partnerships Board Sways:

Virtual Briefings (Sways) are interactive presentations with audio that discusses the content of the slide. They cover locally identified areas of safeguarding risk and the Board’s priorities. Generally, they last around 20 minutes per briefing.

HAF Providers 
NSPCC National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children-contains information on various safeguarding subjects.  HAF Providers & Parents
Self Care Tool Kit  A toolkit to support children and people's mental health  HAF Providers 
Women's Aid Peterborough Women’s Aid (support for Domestic Abuse) Contact telephone number 08454 103 123  Advice and support if a matter arises
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Partnership

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Partnership.

Includes and wide range of information and e-learning

HAF Providers 

Website Summary Useful for
Healthy Schools Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Range of resources including recipes and menus Parents and HAF providers
NHS Healthier Families NHS- Easy Ways to Eat Well and Move more- a range of ideas to eat well including healthier food swaps and lunchbox ideas. Ideas to move more. Parents and HAF providers
NHS Food Scanner NHS Food Scanner App- download the app and with a speedy scan of your family's favourite foods, you can find healthier swaps for next time you shop. Parents and HAF providers
Children's Healthier Eating Tool Kit Children’s Healthier Eating Toolkit HAF Providers
The Daily Mile The Daily Mile- Resources and information to support HAF provisions implement the Daily Mile HAF Providers
The School Run Virtual challenges for schools, groups and individuals HAF Providers
School Games Help children and young people to boost their health and wellbeing by promoting being active before, during and after the school day. Find out list of activities below, provided by physical activity and sports organisations. HAF Providers
School Food Standards

School Food Standards- must be met as part of the HAF standards.

Resources to help providers plan and provide healthy food in the HAF provision.

HAF Providers
Food a fact of life Food a Fact of Life Resource bank- A bank of resources to support the delivery of nutritional education. The link will take to you a range of resources, organised by age groups (key stages) and learning objectives with associated Activity Packs all of which can be edited and tailored to share with your group. HAF Providers
Get Set to Eat Fresh Get Set to Eat Fresh. A collaboration with Aldi, Team GB and Paralympics GB to deliver free, curriculum-linked resources to inspire students aged 5–14 to cook and eat healthy, fresh food. Resources are packed with a wide variety of flexible, curriculum-linked content, including films, downloadable student sheets and lesson plans alongside online content for students, teachers and families to allow you to pick and choose activities to suit your setting. HAF Providers
Peterborough Reads

Peterborough Reads- ideas for families and providers to encourage reading and the love of books.

Initiatives which can be included into the HAF programme.

Parents and HAF providers

Website Summary Useful for
Peterborough Local Offer Peterborough: Special Education needs and disabilities local offer  Parents
Peterborough Foodbank Peterborough Foodbank  Parents (only signpost if parents are in crisis)
Women's Aid Peterborough Women’s Aid (support for Domestic Abuse) Contact telephone number 08454 103 123  Advice and support if a matter arises
Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice Peterborough 

Parents needing advice on such matters as finance, housing and family relationships 

Job centre information for parents looking to find employment and possibly training 

Adult learning

Adult learning college  
